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Saturday, January 17, 2009

Day 2.007: Secret agent

This evening I went to a gig in what would be a college bar (in the basement of a dorm building) except that thanks to the legal drinking age leaving a lot of college students out they were only serving tea, coffee and cans of soda.

Pictured is _11:34. He introduced himself by saying "Hi, I'm Abe, I perform under this underscored moniker - underscore eleven thirty-four to be exact." So now you know. He is the reason I was there being an acquaintance and friend-of-a-friend.

He did an excellent set with his guitar and iPod of backing tracks. His first song was introduced with the words, "Who loves particle accelerators?" and contained the refrain "Searching for Higgs" - a reference to the LHC at CERN on the Swiss/French border. Later he rhymed anisotropy with asymptotically - not your average student band fayre, but it all went down well with the assembled engineering students and with me!

The top-of-the-bill act were Action Painters. Very cool and accomplished if not quite so geek-friendly. I'd recommend seeing them live to anyone who likes alternative-rock music.

The whole occasion reminded me that there is no law of conservation of happiness. The crowd there tonight they had an excellent evening of entertainment for $3 and had a great time. The bands got to play for a full room of enthusiastic people and probably loved every minute. I, on the other hand, felt like a bit of an outsider at this predominantly student event. Oh well, at least I got to write a review, even if I can't use that as an excuse for why I was there in the first place.
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