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Friday, January 23, 2009

Day 2.013: Watching me watching...

...well, me!

It's been a year or so since I removed the slide show from the blog side-bar. It was slowing down the page loading for some people, so it wasn't worth it. You may have noticed that a little slide show has re-appeared in the last week or so. It's a 'badge' displaying my Flickr pictures. Flickr is Yahoo's photo-sharing site and I've been enjoying using it.

So in honour of the Flickr community here is a Flickr cliché: a 'me and my DSLR' picture - what's more it was shot RAW, using ambient light, with a prime (my original film SLR's kit 50 mm) and using 'green-button' aperture priority.

It reminds me of another couple of reversal phenomena:

1) This movie, in which E5N1 spent a lot of time walking backwards - suggesting the idea of time-reversing it.

2) And this picture, in which the icicles are pointing up - because they had slid off the roof attached to large heavy pieces of sheet ice and presumably managed to do a half somersault on their brief fall.
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