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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Day 3.076: Rivers charges

This afternoon, we went to Five Rivers for the Maple Sugar Open House (there are two more this year - March 28th and April 3rd). The event is a simple one - a short walk around an accessible board-walk/trail with a demonstration of how to tap a tree, a chance to taste the sap, a demonstration of boiling the sap to make syrup and a tasting.

There is also a small stall with locally produced Maple syrup and syrup products.

So, to put it another way, we found out how to get from this:

via this:

to this:

They were the most expensive lollypops ever - $2 each - but the kids say they were very good and maple-y.  As you can see in the top picture, they were still enjoying them half way around the longer trail hike to our regular group portrait location.

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