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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 3.240: Flying visit

After a church meeting featuring some sad news from some of our friends, I went to meet a UK friend at his hotel in Albany. He is over for a business meeting and we were able to carve out a few hours to catch up while he is here.

N was instrumental in helping us settle in following our previous relocation (to Cambridge in the UK in 2000) and it was good to catch up with family and church news and to talk briefly about work and business travel etc. We went in search of beer and snack-food in the vicinity of the airport and ended up at Maxies on Wolf Road - it turned out that not only was there live music, but karaoke as well. We chose the area with karaoke as having a better chance for supporting a conversation. In fact there was only one singer - who gamely got up to sing three times while we were there.

I was nearly persuaded to get up and sing - had Maximo Park or The Bravery featured I might well have done so. In the end The Cure's Just Like Heaven came closest to getting me out of my seat - maybe it's just as well I hadn't had another beer.


  1. I would pay good money to see Maximo Park as a Karaoke number off of Wolf Road on a Tuesday night

  2. Couldn't you have done "New York, New York" in the style of Maximo Park or The Bravery?

  3. Thanks Anonymous - start spreading the news I want to be a part of it.

    As for you Mr 'Wince'... :)


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