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Friday, December 14, 2012

Day 5.339: ...and a gingerbread house

By the time I got home from work today, the kids were in bed (well, E5N1 was asleep in the dark in bed, Exile #3 was asleep with her light and her radio on and a book in her hand and Exile #4 was awake, making snowflakes with paper and scissors). But they were home and safe. It's a small thing, but today it has a deeper resonance.

A hundred and forty miles away from here, in a school much like our kids' school twenty children their age are not home tonight. I can't imagine the pain for those parents or even the parents of the children who did make it home from that school today, but my heart goes out to them.

After school, Exile #2 and the kids decorated a gingerbread house. They did a lovely job, the top right picture shows Exile #4's end with E5N1's snowman and the bottom right picture is Exile #3's end.

And with those happy images in my mind - I bid you good night!

1 comment:

  1. Our pastor, a former teacher, ended his Sunday homily by addressing the youngsters. Your parents and grandparents might hug you a little harder or longer today, he said. "Please let them. They need to do it."


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