Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Day 4.170: School's out...

When we discovered at the 11th hour (and about 55 minutes) that we were not returning to the UK for good last summer, one of the important jobs we had to do was to find E5N1 a preschool place. With it being so late, we knew we would probably not have much choice. In the end, we got him into a tiny pre-school which had a total of six kids this year and no more than five at any one time as far as I recall.

It was fantastic.

E5N1 loved it, his teacher loved him and he has learned so much.

Unfortunately, due to a mixture of personal and business factors, the school will not be operating next year so he will have to go somewhere else. The silver lining is that we have inherited the school's sand box. Exile #2 managed to get it home yesterday and stocked with sand today and Exile #4 and E5N1 had a great time playing in it this afternoon while Exile #3 was out at a play-date. They were keen to show me when I got home from work - and so they did!

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