Friday, January 12, 2007

Day 2: Hook, line and sinker

Ah, the superstore, the same the world over? Not exactly. I visited a modest sized one today - well I say modest, you couldn't actually see the whole way across it due to the curvature of the earth. In one corner I saw this sign indicating the contents of the aisle (apparently without any irony). I refused to fall for it and passed by on my long hike to the other end of the shop.
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  1. Well done for not falling for the old 'hook, sinker and line' would have been ambushed by the US version of Jezza Beadle the minute you placed foot in the aisle.

    Amusing blog....keep up the good work.

  2. i dont get it :) but after all im only a kid!! explain please! xxxx

  3. If you mean the whole "Hook, line and sinker" thing - I've added a link for "fall for it" in the post.

    Thanks for reading!

  4. oh hehe i get it now!!!! great blog by the way!


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