Thursday, January 18, 2007

Day 8: Too many choices

Exile #2
asked me yesterday if I thought that the US was defined by quantity over quality. We came to the conclusion that it was not, once the factors affected by available space were excluded. For example, houses are big (except in crowded city centres) because there's plenty of space, roads are wide (for the same reason), kitchens are large (in general) because houses are large, and in the large kitchens are large fridges, as a result of this everything you buy is pre-prepared, pre-diluted, pre-expanded because it can be. OK, I'm generalising and extrapolating like mad, but hopefully you take the point. There are some exceptions, but in general, I think quantity over quality is not entirely fair.

However, it is a land of consumers and what that results in is a bewildering array of choices for everything. The other day we walked down the 'juices' aisle at the supermarket and didn't find any orange juice. This is because there is a section just for orange juice with every conceivable combination of pulp/no pulp/some pulp, from/not from concentrate, with/without added calcium/fiber, low sugar etc. and each of these from two or three different brands. Everywhere more choice than can possibly be healthy.

Today was register with a doctor day, well as it turns out register with three doctors day - no local GP here, we have a pediatrician for the kids, a primary care physician for us and an O.B.S.G.Y.N. (apparently) to prepare for the arrival of Exile #5 (or perhaps that should be Native #1?). And how to choose each one? Everyone has a recommendation, then we have our (perhaps peculiarly British) desire to not have to drive 10 miles to see them. Even narrowing down by "recommended AND nearby AND compatible with our insurance " leaves far more choice than we know what to do with. Aaargh!

Now where did I put that piece of paper and pin...
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  1. Hi there exile #2. I think my mum would empathise with you on shopping trips. Moving from Africa where a shopping trip for toothpaste was a matter of "Do you have any toothpaste today" changed to the UK trauma of all the choice. Luckily we didn't go from Africa to US - that may have been just tooooo much. Great to read your blogs....keep going. Gillian H.

  2. Surely the way to choose the brand of orange juice is to buy one of each and place them in front of Exiles #3 and #4 and see which ones they will drink. This should narrow it down to only one...

    Although on the other hand they might want different types.


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