Monday, November 28, 2011

Day 4.322: Yell: "Oak, why try tree?"

Come on oak, give it up now - a tree like you is never going to win plant (product) of the year. On the other hand - saffron - I'm just mad about saffron.

Talking of things of a certain hue, we finished our second painting job of the year. It went quite a lot easier than the first one thanks to the absence of drywall-destroying wallpaper.

Exile #3 chose the colour and now her room looks like this.

It's still a little smelly but the window is open and the wind velocity is not nil, so I imagine it will air by tomorrow night.  All of which is really just a prelude to announcing that today sees pop pun 121 for title watchers - bound to be the very next phase.


  1. Oh my word! I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about on this one!! Maybe the other half will take up the challenge? N

  2. PS. Nice handiwork - glad Exile #3 like it. N

  3. Had no idea about the pop puns... Read your explanation, reread the blog entry & now I'm so mellow! Thank you! Brilliant.

  4. Thanks Astrid - I love it when people solve the pop puns :)

  5. I got there eventually, but Astrid beat me. Quite rightly.



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