Monday, December 13, 2010

Day 3.337: Drill bit

The other day, Exile #3 mentioned that they were having a 'bus-drill' at school. I mistakenly thought that this was the same as the early dismissal drill (which involves them all getting on the bus) but no - this was about evacuating the bus in an emergency.

Exile #2 observed, "They have a lot of drills!"

"Yes," continued Exile #3, "like the lock-down drill. We have to huddle down in the corner and stay very very quiet. The teacher has to lock the door...and draw the curtains."

"If there are curtains," chipped in Exile #4.

I was afraid to ask at the time, but I summoned up the courage yesterday to see if they knew under what circumstances these particular skills might be called upon but if Exile #3 knew she wasn't admitting it.

It's all a bit more dramatic than the annual fire-alarm test isn't it?


  1. reassuring in some way I suppose, but also slightly worrying?!


  2. Zombie attach drill would be good!

  3. Yes A definitely mixed feelings!

    "We had zombie attack drill today - the teacher unlocks the tool cupboard and everyone grabs something - shotgun, iron bar, garden spade..."

  4. They offer "Zombie Preparedness" at a nearby Scout camp every summer as a welcome counterpoint to the "Emergency Preparedness" merit badge. It provides hours of fun, and the boys learn that "brains are friends, not food!!!"

  5. Nice! truth is stranger than fiction :)


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