Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Day 112: Middle child

Here is Exile #4 coming to terms with her middle-child status. Just before we left the UK there seemed to be a rash of TV programmes warning that middle-children are pretty much guaranteed to become resentful violent criminals. If this so called 'middle child syndrome' is her destiny in life, she is hiding it well at the moment.

It appears that the Exile will continue for some time. My transfer contract has now been confirmed for three years, so - disasters (of all kinds) aside - we will be here until 2010. Hopefully we will be able to continue to get stuck into all that New York has to offer. Life, wherever you are and whether it's new or familiar, is full of ups and downs, but I believe that we will find these new experiences to be predominantly positive for us all.

A few people recently have told me that they don't get the whole pop pun thing. Since there's a chance we'll be doing this for a while, here is how it works:

pop = popular music (and in particular popular song lyrics)
pun = play on words

In most cases the play on words is in the title of the post. Often there are further clues to the lyrics that I'm alluding to in the rest of the text, finally the end of the post contains what I feel should be enough for anyone who knows the song to see where I was going. If you don't recognise the song, but still want to play along, try Googling a few choice phrases from the post - as New York State's lottery slogan has it - hey, you never know!
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  1. Slightly worried about that middle child far as I know none of those things have happened to me yet! Mind you perhaps sanity and law-abiding nature is saved if you have a little brother to take out all your frustrations on!!

  2. Its only children you need to watch out for....

  3. of course, the real solution to "middle child syndrome" is to have a 4th child, so she won't be the middle one anymore :o)


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