Sunday, May 6, 2007

Day 116: Water featured

Ever since the ice melted, we've been thinking that we must do something about the hazardous pool sunk into the deck outside the back of the house. We considered various solutions, but in the end decided (encouraged by the owner) to drain it and turn it over. This is how we did most of the draining. We tilted a pump used for a fountain over and sprayed the beds for several hours.

For some reason this process reminded Exile #2 of E5N1.

It's funny how we all have different perceptions of the same thing. Here is the first line from a book written and illustrated by Exile #3 at school:

"My brother cries a lot. And he sometimes drinks."

I think she gets her writing style from me.

Exile #2, E5N1 and I spent the evening at a charity auction, thanks to S and her mum who braved tea-time and bed-time with the girls. In the end we were outbid on everything although we came close a few times. The auctioneer, who knew where I was from marked one bid with the line: "Winston Churchill would be proud!" E5N1 amazed all by sleeping soundly almost all evening. I avoided small-talk completely by losing my voice.

Mornings have been the roughest times for me during this little bout of illness. I can hardly wait to find out what tomorrow's might have in store for me. I imagine I will great it tacitly, but then I probably won't have much choice in the matter.
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