Thursday, May 31, 2007

Day 141: Altitude training

For the last two mornings I have managed to ride the two-hour time difference and had a swim in this pool before breakfast. It is the first swimming I have managed since E5N1's birth on Day 88. A bit shocking since I had managed to go once (or even twice) a week during the preceding weeks. The pool is in an extraordinary position, on the 5th floor and surrounded by high-rise buildings. It is quite cold on the roof at 6 am, but the pool is kept to a good swimming temperature (I don't think Exile #4 would be impressed though).

Yesterday, I could barely manage to string two lengths together. I put it down to a shocking fall in my fitness levels (having managed a non-stop 1/2 mile a while ago), but I suspect that travelling had an impact as (maybe) did the altitude - not the 5 floors, but Denver is known as Mile-high City for a reason.

Denver finds itself in the midst of an international news story today as the rogue-travelling super-TB-carrying man comes here for treatment. No-one (including myself) seems to have much of interest to say about it, but I did find this story about a flu pandemic amusing (not that it is really a laughing matter of course) but it seemed to me a bit like if you went to the doctor with chest pain only to be told "You're going to die, but whether you'll die any time soon is less clear." There's going to be another flu pandemic. Sometime. Almost certainly. Maybe many years from now. News-worthy indeed.
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  1. I think I will take the opportunity of our being two time zones apart to comment that Exile #1's definition of a "good swimming temperature" is any water that doesn't actually have icebergs in it.

  2. I don't mind a few icebergs as long as there's a clear lane.


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