Friday, May 11, 2007

Day 121: Super Trooper

It's amazing what you see at times. As we were leaving the office at lunchtime today, two men were wheeling a Stormtrooper (of the Star Wars 'Imperial' variety not ein Sturmmann) through the building. They stopped briefly for unknown reasons and removed his helmet - giving a rare glimpse behind the mask.

Today was a problematic day for me, this morning I had to contact Ticketmaster to find out why they had refunded my credit card for some tickets we bought as a birthday treat for the girls. It turns out that whoever I spoke to a week ago who said that everything was now fine and the tickets would be on their way was entirely wrong. Fortunately for him and nearly disastrously for me, he managed to leave no trace of our conversation on their computer system. On the bright side, since I happened to notice the refund today they were able to sell us some tickets one row in front of the ones that they had by now resold to someone else. This afternoon I was chasing shadows in the medical insurance world after an anxiety-inducing voice-mail message - the shadows have evaded me though and all now seems to be OK.

Another happy ending: after some mail-order shenanigans, our 'squirrel bafflers' arrived today and we have now refilled our bird feeders. Hopefully over the next few days we will succeed in feeding some birds without feeding the squirrels. We will see.
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