Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Day 126: Time to sleep

Here is Exile #4 who having said that she didn't need to have a nap on Sunday ended up falling asleep on our bedroom floor - exactly how it happened we don't know.

We're all in need of a few extra hours I think. E5N1 is doing fine, but does still need to be fed at our bedtime and in the night and has a tendency to need an extended session of burping before he can get any decent sleep. The girls are great at night, but still sometimes come in for a visit and need to be accompanied back to bed. It's all wearing us down a little.

We are back under contract to buy a house. The same house we nearly bought in September of last year. Exciting but daunting. Mortgage application, inspections, valuations...

I also led worship this evening for our homegroup, it was the first time since the start of the Exile. It's great to use my gifts/talents/skills for the benefit of the whole community - that is a big part of what church is all about for me - a picture (parable if you like) of healthy society with many (most/all?) contributing for the good of everyone.

Anyway, as I said, time to sleep. Goodnight.
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