Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 3.260: Spicy, spicy!

On a recent visit to a local farmer's market, I was tempted to buy some 'Maple Chipotle' goat cheese. The lady who gave me a taste warned, "It's more 'chipotle' than 'maple'". By the time we got back to the car, it was burning a hole in my shopping bag (not literally no!) and I was hatching an idea to make a spicy cheeseburger.

Here it is - hot pepper relish, a home-made patty, the cheese and some maple-caramelised onions.

Slightly excessive perhaps, but still not the cause of these split jeans - that was the result of sweeping the floor after I enjoyed the burger.  In fact, I am starting to lose a little weight thanks my new regime but possibly my buttocks are getting too firm!


  1. I love the maple chipotle goat cheese. Last Sunday I picked up a second 'log' of it and now have my new favorite sandwich, roast turkey, maple chipotle goat cheese, cucumber and tomato.

  2. Thanks for stopping by Mouse's Mom! I had some in my sandwich today (with a single slice of ham) it was very nice indeed!

  3. I know what maple is, and goat and cheese, but I've never heard of chipotle before. Sounds like a cross between large chunks of fried potatoes and an ancient Greek philosopher. After a little searching however I came up with this

    Is this what you're talking about?


  4. Yes indeed A - spicy smoky Mexican goodness.


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