This morning - pretty much out of the blue - Exile #2 remembered that Farm Fest 2010 was going on in Clifton Park this weekend. The weather was looking unsettled but not like a wash-out so we decided to go an investigate.
We managed two stops before retreating to catch our breath. First was the delightfully chaotic Riverview Orchards which were advertising that there was a viewing area for their Donut Robot - pretty much irresistible - as were the cider* donuts that it was producing of course!
The kids also decorated a pumpkin the safe way (with transfers rather than pointy knives).
Our second stop was the rather more serious Bowman Orchards.
We browsed the store, tasted apples, played in the playground, rode ponies, climbed piles of tires under lowering skies (but no more than a few drops of rain happily) and tried to catch blowing balloons inside a giant apple inflatable. It was very well organised for maximum fun (with a few dollars changing hands at almost every turn).
By the time we got home, all of us including (apparently) the pumpkins - pictured here with the rather spectacular indian corn we acquired along the way - were feeling that we had snatched a rather good outing from what looked to be a stay-home and watch-the-rain kind of day.

* Cultural footnote: 'cider' means unprocessed squeezed apple juice here - in the UK it means an alcoholic drink made by brewing apple juice. Plenty of room for confusion there!
I am starting to think that UK cider donuts would be quite fun. Maybe you could do perry donuts, or calvados or even Guinness perhaps. Various Belgium fruit beers could work well. Maybe there's a business opportunity here...!