Our hike was a two mile loop the main part being a section of the Appalachian trail which goes up to the summit of the Cobble and down the other side. But the very first (and last) section involved crossing a cow field - something I did many times in my childhood, but is not a familiar experience for the young Exiles.
I enjoyed the Appalachian trail sign signposted GA and ME (Georgia and Maine)!
Unlike some good hiking areas nearby, this one had several good views over the surrounding landscape - looking a little stark at this time of year. One of the views here includes a distant view of the kids as they ran on ahead on the last leg of the walk.
We weren't sure where we might see the 'Rabbit Rock' mentioned in the website blurb. We needn't have worried that we'd miss it as it turns out (although if we'd approached from the other direction we probably could have done so).
Although far from crowded, the trails and parking lot were quite busy today. One person on the trail said that the site had had a write-up in a local newspaper, so that could have affected it - but all the Trustees locations we've visited have been busier than most of the equivalent sites that we've been to in New York. That's not saying much - we're generally surprised if we see anyone else!

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