Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Day 5.316: E5N1's Thanksgiving Book

We had pizza for dinner tonight. It seems that this is something of a day-before-Thanksgiving tradition in some families, although I think cooking your own pizza removes the main point which is to get take-out before the big cooking festival of the year.

Anyway, someone noticed that we'd eaten our pizza with our fingers and I commented that that was very American of us - yes British people really do eat pizza with a knife and fork (sometimes at least). This led to a comment about E5N1 being American - which in turn led to him saying, "Did I come with the Pilgrims?"

It turns out that he has been learning about the first Thanksgiving*.  When you read it to yourself (or out-loud - who am I to judge?), say each of the words that E5N1 has written in as if you are revealing a great mystery - that's how he read it to me!

* Please note that this traditional telling is not necessarily entirely true.


  1. Our "tradition" (to be honest it's what the cook wanted when we added kids to the family) is a trip out to a Chinese buffet. Pizza is our Sunday night tradition, handed down from my parents to my children.

    1. I love the way these things develop and eventually take on a life of their own. Not unlike the way you can find yourself writing a blog post every day for nearly six years!


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