Thursday, December 11, 2008

Day 1.335: Well soaked - anyone?

It is raining this evening as we await the results of the first winter storm of the year. The rain is far from benign though - it's freezing on contact and when I left work the car was covered in a blanket of ice as you can see. Fortunately it was not too thick and I have a good implement for ice removal. Some predictions suggest that overnight we will get another half an inch of accumulated ice. Other places nearby will end the storm with over a foot of snow.

The drive was slow but uneventful and I was home in time to go out the front of the house with the girls to find what was covered in a layer of ice (i.e. everything) - grass, leaves, stones, bushes, rocks, sticks.

This evening we watched an episode each of House and 30Rock while listening to the deck and everything else vaguely horizontal turn into an ice-rink with attractive icicles forming on anything vertical. Then I made a seasonal and appropriately local purchase on iTunes - based on our extensive survey (of two people) it seems that no-one knows the song here.

I won't tell you what it is because that would spoil pop pun 89 for title watchers. I could have been someone.
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