Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 3.244: Nails and handstands

It was pretty much perfect weather to be out and about today - sunny and warm but not hot or humid.  We spent the afternoon thirty miles away at one of the girls' friend's birthday parties.  Apart from three younger brothers, it was an all girls affair and featured nail decorating.  Pictured are Exile #3's and E5N1's (he hates to miss out).  We all had a great time - and both the adults managed to have some conversations with other adults without constant interruptions from the kids - obviously very satisfactory all around.

When we got home I fought the desire to have a rest and got out to cut the grass (a much needed operation).  Once it was short,  Exile #4 decided to attempt some handstands - this is one of her fairly successful attempts.

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