Monday, February 5, 2007

Day 26: Attack of the boxes

Today, our simple life came to an end with a vengeance. Here is the container (left), the van of the unpackers (right) and their amazing-docking arrangement for unloading. The house is now over-run with boxes (mostly still full, although there is an increasing number of empty ones), packing paper, and of course our valued possessions.

Exile #3 and Exile 4 have been very excitedly unpacking toys and books - appreciating them like never before. Exile #2 was almost-equally excited about the arrival of our duvet. For myself, the item I couldn't do without needs a bit more thought. I'll get back to you.

It's been a rather, tiring day, and bed (whatever the bedding-type) is beckoning.

Oh yes - of course, that must-have item, shipped across the Atlantic at my express request...

Well, can-lids in the US are just not the same. Maybe this time it will find its way into the recycling box.
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