Thursday, October 16, 2008

Day 1.278: A year in the life

You don't have to go far to enjoy the changing seasons round here.


  1. That's awesome. Please share the "technical" details as to how you lined up the shots so you have a permanently fixed tripod...or a chalk outline on the driveway????
    Nice work anyway! I'm loving these autumnal blog entries since Arizona kind of skips this season altogether and it reminds me of "back home".

  2. Hi Sara, Nice to hear from you - and thanks!

    Only too happy to oblige...

    Technical details:
    I took these pictures standing on our deck with my back to the house from approximately the same place. They were taken with two different cameras, so there was definitely some effort required to straighten and crop them to get them to line up. I use Picasa for all that stuff ( It also made the movie once I was done (my first attempt at using this new functionality).

    Now if I just where can I download Google TimeMachine so that I can go back and take a better summer shot...?

  3. Love it! Great transitions.


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