Thursday, March 26, 2009

Day 2.074: Graduation Day

The school-bus pick-up is quite an event every morning. Sometimes it's the rush to get Exile #3 out there in time. Sometimes it's the stress over trying to get the tangles out of her hair. Sometimes it's all three kids playing happily on the driveway, or in the snow. Sometimes it's just trying to stay alive in the bitter cold.

This morning, E5N1 was banging on the window with a toy otoscope - normally everything looks like a drum to him - appropriate enough in this case I suppose. Exile #3 was still pulling faces at him when the bus arrived. As she was getting on Exile #4 arrived at high speed to say hello to the bus driver before she closed the doors and let the traffic get moving again.

Both the girls graduated from their skating classes today with instructions to sign up for the next level next time. However, the rink will be closed down soon for the summer, so that will have to wait for a while.

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