Sunday, May 24, 2009

Day 2.134: You can't make a cake...

Exile #2 managed to fit in making a dozen rather attractive cupcakes this afternoon for a charity bake-sale at the Memorial Day Parade tomorrow. I don't know where she gets her inspiration - do you?

The rest of the day has been quiet as predicted. We managed to get a prescription for E5N1 even though it was the Sunday of the holiday weekend which was a pleasant surprise. Other than that, Exile #2 did some gardening, the girls ran off to play with a neighbour for a while and I took a few photos and found out that my cheapest and oldest lens has a faulty aperture mechanism - so we all had some 'me'-time. Even E5N1, although he slept for a lot of the morning, managed to cheer up significantly this afternoon and sang along with gusto with an episode of his favourite show Hi-5.

Day 2.134a: ...without breaking eggs

At some point Exile #3 was excited to discover this egg-shell. I suspect it's an American Robin egg, but whether it was consumed or hatched I don't know.

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