Sunday, May 3, 2009

Day 2.112:The first cut (didn't hurt at all)

It took me a few minutes to realise why E5N1 was wheeling his wooden trolley around on the newly cut grass this morning, but having realised that every time I got to the end and turned around he did too, we had a good time finishing the job off together. Thanks to Exile #2 for recording the moment!

Meanwhile the girls were rushing around to pick handfuls of violets and dandelions in the lawn before they became mower-fodder. Exile #2 also picked some stems of blossom - leaving it open for me to say that the boys were cutting the grass while the girls were arranging flowers.

The fact that Exile #2 was also making lunch (and taking pictures for me) is beside the point. As is pop pun 101 for title watchers - the second only makes you wonder.

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