Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 3.314: Flying downwind

We had a packed day. In the morning I ran the lawnmower around the yard to pick up the straggling leaves and add them to the huge piles at the roadside. It was gratifyingly successful - dealing with pine needles and small seeds much better than the rake does - and using significantly less effort.

After lunch both Exile #3 and Exile #4 headed off to separate sleep-overs and the remainder of the family went off on a fruitless shopping trip looking for a reasonably priced wardrobe - it turns out that wardrobes are an exotic item of furniture here (presumably because everyone has built-in closets) and hard to find at any price.

When we got back it was time to get ready for Rock Band night - much quieter than last week and not just because of the absence of the girls - but good nevertheless. We ended the evening by introducing J & T to the Kinect sensor. They played several of the Kinect Adventures mini-games - this was weightless bubble popping in space:

As we said goodbye to them, I saw my handiwork in the front yard. Or rather I didn't. We have had a very windy afternoon and a huge number of leaves have blown from our side-of-the-road piles back onto my briefly-cleared lawn. Ah well, tomorrow is another day.

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