Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Day 3.311: Fall's not just for leaves

...or even leaves and snow - sometimes it's for whole trees.

When the tree people came back in October to cut down some of our trees and do some other arboreal maintenance, Exile #2 decided to document it for me. Unfortunately her attempt to get a sequel to our classic first YouTube video failed when the muncher got jammed and she decided that discretion should win out and stopped the camera rather than risk capturing an industrial unblocking accident unfold. No such event happened of course - I'm sure they were very careful and professional.

In any case, as a result of that disappointment, I missed this completely. It was E5N1 who found it while playing back random video clips in Picasa yesterday -

- so you can thank him. Probably more than his colleagues were thanking the guy with the chainsaw for his shouted warning in the clip.

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