Saturday, October 27, 2012

Day 5.291: Hollow-een

After one of our very rare trips to the mall this morning, we redressed the balance by revisiting Hollyhock Hollow for their "Hollow-een" event.

We made our first visit to Hollyhock Hollow Sanctuary, the headquarters of Audubon International, back in May 2007 when E5N1 was just a few weeks old.

Today's event included some guided walks (we took part in a scavenger hunt), some talks (pictured is "Birding by Sight and Sound"), some craft activities, refreshments and face painting.  It was all nicely low-key - much like the place itself.

After the organised activities, we set out on our own along one of the trails.  It quickly turned into a clamber over rocks and then into a clambering over rocks in the middle of the creek (for the girls anyway).

I particularly liked Exile #3's traversal of a fallen tree over a raging torrent (top centre) and Exile #4's aborted attempt to wade through the deep part (top right).  All this despite the fact that the water was, apparently (and unsurprisingly), "freezing".

By the way, I've started a little competition over at the facebook page.  Come and see if you can solve a little puzzle.

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