Monday, October 29, 2012

Day 5.293: Sandy and the pumpkin papers

So, we're experiencing the passing (well to our south - happily) of what was Hurricane Sandy. She's now a post-tropical storm but seems to have brought unprecedented flooding to New York City and other places down the coast.

It remains to be seen if we will suffer any more than some inconvenience.

The inconvenience started with Exile #2 and I having to cancel our day-out plans due not directly to the weather, but to the kids' school being dismissed early.

Anyway, we're all fine, home, dry and hoping to hear the same for our friends in various places.

Here is a piece of Exile #3's work we saw at school the other day:

And here are the two pieces of E5N1's artwork based on our pumpkin-carving reference pictures that I posted on facebook over the last couple of days along with what should be the clincher:

At some point, he wanted to do a fourth picture so he decided to do an internet search on the iPad.  He'd typed:  doctrandrose - pretty close to what he was looking for - by the time Exile #2 spotted what he was doing! 

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