Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Day 1.305: Back in two shacks

I've just finished reading The Shack by William P Young. B left it here after her visit earlier in the Fall and Exile #2 read it first and passed it on to me. I'm not really into Christian fiction for the same reason I'm not really into Christian music - all too often it is a low-quality imitation of its real-world counterpart with a moral or spiritual message uncomfortably tacked on or, even worse, vice-versa. There are always exceptions.

The Shack is, at times, an uncomfortable read. It is at times a bit crass, at times a bit cloying. In places it jarred with my theology and elsewhere stretched my suspension of disbelief to breaking point - but these are just specific moments. It is also beautiful and moving, it is an exciting page-turner, it is a challenge and a wake-up call. It takes an honest look at what faith means to normal Christians in the midst of the pain of real life and dares to paint a picture of something more. It is a modern-day parable and I think over-all a really great piece of work.

I couldn't help thinking about it as we saw sights like this on our walk on Sunday. I did promise two shacks after all.

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