Sunday, November 30, 2008

Day 1.324: Night and day

I thought I'd do roll-over magic that even the RSS and email readers can enjoy today - although if you are an RSS or email reader and you actually want roll-over behaviour you'll have to code your own but that's OK because you're that sort of person anyway (or you could just click through to the site!)

These pictures were taken three weeks apart less about six hours. I love to record how the same places look at different times of day and times of the year (as you may have noticed). In this case, the trees were already bare, but now the pond has partially frozen over and some more of the fall debris has washed down the weir. The black smudge in the water at the left of the dark picture is a swimming mammal, from its behaviour it could have been a beaver, but from its size it was more likely a muskrat or something smaller.

I spent part of the afternoon putting together a video-thing on 'Peace' for our family's contribution to Advent. I think that Exile #2's input (other than coming up with all the words which she did last night) would have made it a lot better, but there was no time to tweak it, so everyone had to cope with the product of my raw talents instead. These things always take longer than I expect to pull together. We also watched The Story of Stuff a very non-preachy video about consumerism and ecology that is not only very entertaining and informative, but also a good thing to have in mind at this time of year.
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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link to Story of Stuff - something I've been aware of but not seen. 20 minutes well spent!


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