Monday, January 18, 2010

Day 3.008: A sad tale...

...don't say I didn't warn you!

On December 5th 2009, I decided the time had come to weather-proof this picnic table ready for the winter. It was dry and ready to go - we just needed to move it onto the deck and find the spray-on waterproofing stuff. I came inside for a minute to get Exile #2 to come and help me carry it up the steps and when we went out E5N1 had spilled a bowl of rainwater from the previous day on the table.

Oh well, nevermind I thought - we lifted the table onto the deck and got on with another job. Then it started to snow. That was six weeks ago. The table has had snow on it ever since. As you can see this morning we had an inch and a half or so of snow to contend with - normally we would consider that a very small amount, but it was heavy wet snow - quite different from our 'normal' winter snow which is ultra-cold, light and powdery. I was completely exhausted by the time I had cleared the drive.

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