Saturday, November 12, 2011

Day 4.306: Taxi-service signing off

I'd like to say I spent the day in my car, but it would be a slight exaggeration.

In fact, I went for a run, had breakfast, did a few jobs around the house and had some down-time before lunch.  But after lunch...!

First I picked up Exile #3's friend and took them both to this rock-climbing birthday party at The Court Club (where I played squash a couple of times a few years ago).  I left them there while I popped off to Fleet Feet to buy some colder-weather running supplies.

Then it was back in the car to take the girls up to their second birthday party - at Tree Paad in Malta.  Incidentally, my attempts to get Siri to give me directions there ended with me trying to spell it out, "T, R, E, E, P, A, A, D," which resulted in her replying that she wasn't able to look up hotels in Turkey.  Some things are easier to type than to say!

I was just arriving there to drop them off when Exile #2 called to say that Exile #4 who had been on a sleepover since yesterday afternoon was ready to come home, so it was off to Troy to collect her.  It was well after dark when we go back - not that that is saying too much now that the clocks have gone back.

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