Saturday, August 31, 2013

Day 6.233: Latest birthday party ever?

One of the things that slipped through the cracks of our busy spring was that Exile #4 didn't manage to have a birthday party before we left for the UK.

We finally managed to arrange it (a trip to Hoffman's Playland) for today. One of her friends (we limited it to two, but ended up with just one - which worked rather well) came with us and we all had a blast:

The first rumble of thunder was heard literally as I completed the transaction to buy our ride tickets when we arrived, but in the end we had a great afternoon - sheltering from one shower at the frozen yogurt place next door and then finally being rained out - as the park was closed ahead of what turned out to be a fairly dramatic series of thunderstorms.  By the time the worst hit, we were safely back home - all tired but happy!

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