Sunday, December 7, 2008

Day 1.331: E5N1X5

Exile #4 has been complaining of nightmares recently - now I can reveal why - the secret I've been keeping for months is that E5N1 is really quintuplets.

The reason for the secrecy? - I didn't realise it myself. But now that the truth is out it makes a whole lot of sense - it explains how he can manage to unpack drawers in one room at the same time as emptying boxes of toys in another and a cabinet full of pans in an another. It explains how he can be under my feet while I'm wrestling with putting up some roller-blind brackets (as I did this morning) while still being on hand to disrupt Exile #2 while she's getting lunch ready.

It also might explain why Exile #4 has a haunted expression so much of the time. Sleep well little one.
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