Friday, December 12, 2008

Day 1.336: Powerless

At 1.15 am I tired of being kicked and elbowed by a very wriggly Exile #4 and decided to take her back to her own bed. It was some time before I realised why it was so dark as I carried her to her room - we had lost our electricity supply. When the sun came up we were still in the same state. The ice that was coating everything was beautiful but deadly. We have lost at least one tree and several pieces of others.

I left the rest of the family huddled under a duvet reading stories to go to a warm and light office for a few hours. I watched the rain turn to snow and then to a few spells of sunshine but it is now turning cold and although it is expected to stay dry there could still be some more arboreal casualties and some more power-line collateral damage.

I am writing this on my phone while we play Scrabble by candle and firelight. The house will be very cold by morning if as we suspect the power is still off.

Apparently the storm has cut power to one million homes and businesses in the Northeast so we may have several days of cold dark wait ahead.

1 comment:

  1. This picture makes it look quite nice - the house was FREEZING!


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