Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 4.014: COLD!

It was too cold for photography today so here's another one from Winterfest on Saturday.

According to the National Weather Service, this morning it was -13°F (-25°C) - which, as it turns out, is quite uncomfortably cold.  The daytime high was 5°F (-15°C) which is frankly silly.

There was a buzz going on around the region about various YouTube videos (e.g. this one) of people throwing hot coffee or hot water into the air and seeing it instantly turn into snow.

I tried it when I got to work - and yes, it was that cold here today.

It's going to warm up overnight tonight. And snow.

Oh yes.

1 comment:

  1. we NEEEED to see a video of you doing the coffee trick. how come they never taught us that at school ?


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