Sunday, May 15, 2011

Day 4.125: Two breakfast-time visitors

Exile #4 saw a hummingbird at breakfast-time today. It flew up to the window where the feeder was last summer and then flew away - almost as if it came looking for it. I saw it out of the corner of my eye - enough to confirm from just the way it moved that she was correct.

I also saw a Magnolia Warbler in our magnolia tree around the same time. It is so named because it was seen so perched by an ornithologist but it actually prefers low conifers which explains why, for most of our breakfast, it was hopping around the low branches of the conifer next to the magnolia. It was probably just passing through on its way to its summer home.

Here are some pictures:

We've also put the hummingbird feeder up now - wouldn't want to disappoint again!

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