So I made my way over to the Vista Technology Campus (perhaps they should just change the name to avoid further embarrassment?) where Shop Rite were opening their doors on their third store in the region. I expected to go over there, take a few photos, admire the buzz of opening day and write something nice about the store - after all, you can always find something nice to say about a brand new store.
However, I failed at the second step. As I was taking an interior shot - just because I like to accompany my words with a relevant picture - I was pounced on by one of the many staff who were standing around (there were also many working the counters and registers to achieve an impressive flow of opening-day shoppers through the store, but there were a lot also standing around) who informed me that I wasn't allowed to take photographs in the store.
Now, this is not a public place and the owners or operators are within their rights to set such a rule, so I merely expressed surprise and explained why I wanted a photograph. Perhaps sensing a PR blunder, the staff-member then asked to wait while a manager was called over so that permission could be sought.
The manager was very polite and accommodating, he told me I could take a general scene inside for my post and asked if there was anything else I particularly wanted to photograph so he could approve it. If that had been the total conversation, I might have thought nothing more of it, but he also tried to explain the policy and that was less successful. First he told me that there was a legal restriction because of the people in the photograph. I explained my understanding of the law - that for reporting purposes I needed no releases and that if I did, that was for me to worry about. He explained that the store could be liable for some kind of invasion of privacy...vagueness...then he dropped it and took another tack. There were commercial reasons - I might work for a competitor and want to photograph prices etc. - OK, that's valid, except that the store has online shopping, so why would any competitor want to send a guy with a camera around the store - and if they did what could Shop Rite expect to lose?
I'm being harsh - I know - but it always annoys me when people lie to me or spin a guess into a fact to try to get rid of me or shut me up. He could have said, "It's our policy. I'm not sure why." He did not have to explain it to me - I never suggested that they could not ask me to stop, I just expressed some surprise at the restriction.
Hopefully we will do some shopping there soon and I can report on some exciting finds. I noticed some interesting gluten-free items and a better-than-average beer selection. I look forward to seeing what they have in the way of dairy-free too - we are a challenging family when it comes to grocery shopping. For now, however, I am left musing on the technology restrictions in the technology park.

Full disclosure: I received a small free sample of cake that was available to all shoppers today. It was tasty.