Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 5.246: Poison ivy

poison ivy rash on my arm
Flickr user Vilseskogen

This is not my leg, but it kind of looked like that.

I first noticed an itchy red patch on my leg at the beginning of last week.  I assumed it was mosquito bites and tried to ignore it.  It was several days later I inspected it closely enough to realise that it was weirder than that.

Eventually, while trying to work out which insect had bitten me, I discovered a picture on the internet that looked just like my rash.  That made it seem better, but it still itched like crazy for over a week.

So - poison ivy, not insects had been my undoing.  I guess it may have been at Ooms on Labor Day. In any case, it's basically fine again now much to my relief and not a moment too soon!

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