Friday, March 2, 2007

Day 51: Never give up hope

Well, the St David's Day storm came, drifted on into St Agnes of Bohemia Day but we got off quite lightly. Half an inch of snow, followed by an hour or so of freezing rain, but then the temperatures crept above freezing and the rest of the rain came down and mostly stayed in liquid form. Rain falling on snow and not immediately destroying it was a new experience for me, but as you can see we still have about a foot of snow in the garden and there are still larger piles at the side of the road.

This evening the sun came out and we finally managed to make our first snow-dude. (it was our dudee to keep trying). He later gained a scarf and hat, but Exile #4 lost interest in being photographed and I didn't want her to be missed out. Exile #3's snow-gear were stuck at school (which was closed today), but we managed to improvise two outfits with reasonable success - another sign of the increasing temperatures.

So, with this winter rite-of-passage finally behind us, we are ready for something new. Phil, where's that early spring?
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