Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Day 119: T42 & 24T

At some point, I felt that I should make this entry a long acrostic poem like its psalm numbersake. But I haven't really got the energy for poetry this evening.

Coming home from work, I found tea still being finished in the garden. Delightfully, Exile #4 was really excited to explain to me that they had been eating out at their little table. E5N1 aside, they had all spent most of the time having got back from the school run outside. For this time in the year it has been really warm today - my car thermometer reported 88 ­°F as I drove home.

Golf is a really big sport here - there is even a segment on the weather forecast especially for people who get up at dawn to fit a round in before work. Honestly, nothing is further from my mind at that time in the morning than a round of golf.

I'm getting a bit tired of this now. Joking aside, it is getting a little tedious. Knowing that I've got this far, makes me want to finish though.

'Literally' is a much misused word, often it is used to mean exactly the opposite of what it really means. "Music venues are literally on the doorstep of this home!" No they are not. "On the doorstep" you are not likely to find a music venue unless you are carol singers. Previous years we have had the local kids sing a half-hearted verse or two. Quite unlikely that we will have the same experience here. Really good singers maybe, but not just cheerful youths. Summer's not the time to be talking about carol singing anyway - sorry I'll stop.

Think about this post and don't give up on me. Understand that normal service will be resumed tomorrow. Very little can be done to rescue this one now. Whatever I attempt will be completely inadequate, so will you forgive a few percussion references? Xylophone, Glockenspiel, Timpani. You are too kind.

Zanily yours, the_exile.
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  1. Bravo! And shorter than the original. Despite having more letters of the alphabet to deal with.

    But then you decided not to deal with such thorny issues as "how shall a young man keep his ways pure" or the comparative sweetness of honey versus the testimonies of the Law.

    Now. What will Day 120 bring? The Psalm punsters amongst us are expecting money trouble (a song of a cent)!


  2. Thank you, thank you. Sorry that Day 120 couldn't live up to your expectations. My excuse is that for too long have I had my dwelling among those who hate peas. I am for peas, but when eyes peek they offer, "Wha?"


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