Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Day 245: On the road

My parents left today after a really good visit and we trust had a safe and uneventful journey and caught their plane OK.

Driving has not been too much of an issue for us over here. The roads are not excessively busy around here and most of the driving is fairly straightforward: stay in lane, stop at red light, drive through green light. The roads do have some interesting vehicles though and sometimes some odd behaviour.

One day I was approaching a junction (intersection) that I'd passed through many times but never from this direction. I was baffled to discover a large truck parked facing me on my side of the road at the lights. Was I allowed to cross the double-yellow lines down the centre to pass it? At the lights? As I debated the lights changed to green and the truck started moving - reversing into the junction. This should be interesting. Indeed it was, as he turned the corner I realised it was an articulated truck cab being towed (backwards) by a similarly sized breakdown truck. A modern-day pushmi-pullyu - if only I'd had the camera to hand.

You'll have to settle for this less confusing but similarly extraordinary sight.
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