Sunday, November 25, 2007

Day 319: Still life in orange*

We were at church this morning enjoying time with friends new and old. The girls now have a little two-year-old sidekick so they are no doubt enjoying contributing to his 'education'. Exile #2 and I did some worship music with J on the very low-volume electric drum kit and we had a good discussion.

When we got home Exile #4 went off to bed and E5N1 followed after some lunch. In order to make the most of the day, Exile #2 and Exile #3 decided to walk to the library. They found a variant on the route and seem to have had a nice time. Around dusk, I was just starting to get concerned about them walking on the streets after dark when they arrived back. I was immediately set to work reading the books that Exile #3 had chosen. Fortunately they had chosen a Dr Seuss book, which will always keep me happy - it's On Beyond Zebra!
They're afraid to stay THERE. They're afraid to stay HERE.
They think THERE is too FAR. They think HERE is too NEAR.
And since HERE is too NEAR and out THERE is too FAR
They are too scared to roost where-so-ever they are.
To be honest I think the girls listen mostly to humour me.

While the others were out, Exile #4 and I had some creative time. She created a line of steam engines, and this is my effort. I was pleased and relieved that Exile #3 was able to correctly identify it and all its constituent parts. Then again, as you've already gathered I am easy to please.

* I called it 'still life' although when it comes to most of the classics I think that the romance languages' version: 'dead nature' always seems more appropriate.
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