Saturday, November 24, 2007

Day 317: Island on my feet

Whenever I fall.

This morning we managed to get ourselves up and out of the house, not in time for 4 or 5 am openings at the Black Friday sales, but mid-morning for a walk. We returned to Peebles Island, where Exile #4, my parents and myself had a very uncomfortable walk in the sweltering heat on Day 240 (Exile #2 turned back with E5N1 due to the temperature). Today was rather different as you can tell from our clothing. In fact, the same exposed spots on the walk that caused us difficulties then because of the heat did today because of the bitter wind, and we turned back along the more direct and more sheltered middle-of-the-island path today just as we did then.

The views have changed a fair amount, there was much more water in the rivers and very few leaves on the trees.

At home, we have lost most of our leaves now too - of course that meant more raking this afternoon, followed by a coughing fit and a restful hour or so. I stayed conscious though. This evening we had some of our church friends round for craft/DDR/Halo 3/pizza evening. We had a lot of fun and since we chose to set the four dance mats up in the front room, hopefully entertained the neighbours a bit too.

So, by special request here's pop pun #37 for title watchers (not the right era for the requester though - sorry). Mark the spot you hate with an 'X', then shoot your bow and arrow.
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  1. Verily, I wager my female sibling doth knoweth the pun...

    with a hey nonny noe


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