Friday, May 23, 2008

Day 1.133: It's a wind-up

I was playing a game with the girls - we were all having fun. Exile #2 suddenly said from the kitchen, "Is [E5N1] with you?", "No...?" It had been suspiciously quiet for a while. Of course, he was in one of his favourite places - the downstairs 'bathroom'. He had already unwound a whole roll of 'bathroom tissue' and was now enjoying playing in the conveniently situated water-play area.

We normally keep the door closed - but not everyone is careful every time.

I remember Exile #3 and a friend unwinding a roll of toilet paper (we were in the UK then) and the subsequent jokes about exclusive hand-rolled paper. Actually rolling it up (even to this standard) is quite a tricky task and, if I was being paid the minimum wage to do it, would make this quite a valuable commodity. I think Exile #4 must have skipped this particular activity - one out of three is not too bad I suppose.
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1 comment:

  1. Hi all,

    Oh the joys of toddler-dom!!

    This is a not-too-infrequent game fot J - he is usually discovered prior to the moment he kindly screws up the whole lot, lifts up the lid of the conveniently situated water-play area, and places the paper exactly where it's supposed to go, before replacing the lid ("bang!") and looking v.pleased with himself!

    Closing the door was helpful, but doesn't seem to work as well now that door handles pose little deterent!

    Here's hoping no plumbers are required in either household,


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