Thursday, June 12, 2008

Day 1.153: Departures and arrivals

Last night, Exile #3 and I left the exhausted birthday girl and went to school for the graduation ceremony. The 'Class of 2008' are graduating from Grade 8 ready to for the four years of High School, some of them have been at the school for ten years since they were (like Exile #3 last year) four-year-old Pre-Ks. There were various songs - here is Exile #3 on stage for the Pre-K thru 3rd Grade performance and each of the graduating students gave a short speech. The invited speaker was a very eloquent former student who, having reached the grand-old-age of eighteen, was ready to offer some sage advice to the departing. Like the graduates, she played her part with aplomb - an excellent advert for the school.

During the disco (no I didn't - but Exile #3 did), I spoke to one of Exile #3's teachers from last year about how quickly the year had gone. Then I asked if she was ready for Exile #4 next year. She said she was looking forward to it - the polar-opposite of Exile #3 - she observed. I'm not sure I'd put it like that, but then again if I compare the tongue-tied four year old we brought to the US with us with the motor-mouthed one we have in the house now, I'd have to concede that she has a point.

Exile #2's parents arrived safely this afternoon, their first visit to this house (their last visit was more than a year ago, before the move). They were quickly enrolled to babysitting duty so that Exile #2 and I could pop out for supplies for Exile #4's party on Saturday.
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  1. Hi Exiles - Happy Birthday to Exile 4!!! Hope you have a great party on Saturday


  2. lovely photograph!

  3. Why thank you. The soft-focus is mainly to protect the innocent - not for effect, but on this occasion it worked out both ways.


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