Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 1.158: Mission Impossible

This picture is my homage to The Prisoner, the title to both the 1960s/1970s TV show and to my day.

My mission (yes, I chose to accept it) was to help our friends make it to the UK. Despite getting them to the airport on time and subsequently taking them to another airport (rather further away), the mission turned out to be impossible. All else being well, they will still arrive in the UK tomorrow, albeit 10 hours or so later than they had hoped.

This post will not self destruct, but I may if I do not get to bed in five seconds... 5 ... 4 ... 3 ... 2 ... who is Number One? You are Number Six.

I am not a number...I am a free man!
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  1. hahahahahahahaha! (quickly faded out after this, cue rather irritable looking Number Six pacing up and down in his lounge...perhaps I should have been a screenwriter????)


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