Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Day 3.226: Sleep disturbance

Apart from my medical issue, my sleep is also disturbed fairly regularly by the children. Exile #3 very rarely, Exile #4 maybe once or twice a month and E5N1 sometimes several times a night.

Sometimes he is able to sneak in and get into bed with us without waking us enough to take him back to his own bed. On those nights, he usually ends up cross-ways on the bed pushing one of us out with his head and the other with his feet.

Amazingly, it turns out he even does this trick on the nights he manages to stay in his own little toddler bed:

In any case, after a bad night last night, I'm hoping he stays there tonight, whatever orientation he ends up in!


  1. Your sisters will surely remember your doing the same thing across the back seat of a car before childseats existed.

  2. If you turn the bed round, will he end up the right way?



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